Sunday 5 October 2014

Destiny: A loaded word

What is Destiny?

A friend recently posted a whats app status "The beauty is in Walking... we are betrayed by Destination".  An extremely true statement. Isnt't it?

For as far as I can remember, all that we were told and taught was how to get good grades so that we can get admission in good college so that we can get a high paying job so that we can get good marriage proposals so that we can get settled with 2 kids, partner for life, house loan, retirement plan, a car (better than neighbors) and family holidays. So, everything was planned till the end and I think that is why we loose fun in all this as we know what is leading to what. For example, if you end up getting bad scores then you will end up in average college and then you will end up in basic salary and then you will slog your ass to earn more so that you can manage to get a decent life partner. This is mostly true for our male friends as for females the equation is pretty simple, "(good looks + good marriage proposal) AND (good bank balance + good marriage proposal)  "

I hope I am not being cynical here. I guess these things are important in life... wait a minute... REALLY?

What is the fun in walking a path which is much likely known to you. Even then, there will be lots and lots of issues, problems and heartbreaks so does it not make sense to just keep walking and not thinking about the end result?

I know its not that easy. We are brought up with a knowledge of outcome as we are result oriented people. But still, at some point or other, we might feel that the beauty is in not knowing the answers, in walking the mystical path, in finding a new twist and turns along the way and most people do get to this crossroad after a eventful soul searching episode in life.

What is our destiny?

Its nothing but the outcome of all the actions we end up taking in life. Its pretty simple. It really is not something pre defined or decided by higher powers. As I am sure God didnt want people to live in misery and with pain as I am sure God is not that of a sadist. So, as per my personal belief, the only truth in this word destiny is "its bullshit". Everyone is a loved child of the higher powers and all of us are made up of same atoms and cells. Yes I do agree that circumstances are always different for everyone but the end result is the thing which we create our self and is certainly not something destined.

Think about it, if you will lie on bed crying for the sorrows and will leave it all on destiny then the only destiny you will have is back sores. ROFL.

So lets just live this day to the fullest,do the things which brings smile on someone's face, do something you love to do with passion, keep burning that flame of desire in you.

Go Get Out and LIVE!

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