Friday, 12 December 2014

Time and Distance!

 Speed = Distance/ Time

We learned this formula in school and have been using it ever since then. Listen I am no mathematics geek to start writing a blog on the formulas. Its not like, hey there is nothing else to do so lets start a blog on algebra. It so happened that like always I was thinking about some random stuff and realized that the concept of distance and time is the thrust of our human relations.

Lets see how. Answer this to yourself that what do we all want at all times from life on emotional front and what is that one thing which is causing major issues in society?  As per me that has to be RELATIONS...

Well, we are all social animals and are desperate for company of other such animals. We want our families, friends, colleagues, neighbors, dogs, cats and even enemies with us. We love the feeling of having someone to care for and having someone who cares for us. Often times we end up giving ourselves completely in relationships with others. There is absolutely nothing we do not try in order to make this work with those special people in our lives. The variation and frequency of relations do differ and we eventually know how much salt is needed in which curry.

But then this same bonding and kinship has caused us worries and complications and pain in the past. If we look closely then we can see that relations are actually a melting pot where we meet different kinds of people and form varied relations in line with the equation of distance and time. Some of these people walk with us for a very long time whereas others leave us on a difficult turn only after a short while. Some are there to mentor us until we find a goal whereas some others are teaching something from a distance. Wouldn't it be easy if we knew from beginning who is there to stay and who is there to walk away? Well, no. That is the whole point of this equation. We need to and ought to learn a lot of diverse and difficult things in life and the method is simple.

According to me, Ms Know-it-all relations are of three types as in the equation is of three types in life.

1) Less Distance and Longer Time (Td):  For as long as we could remember these people were associated with us. They are closer to us and always remain like that. They are here to help us and support us and shout at us when we screw up in life. These are those guarded angels who were assigned a job to take care of us just like how we are taking care of someone else and are guarded angel for them. They are going to walk with us for a very long time.

2) Less Distance and Less Time (dt): Often times we get close to somebody at the first meet. Its like we were meant to meet them and more so often this bond comes to life when we are in utter need of something to hold on to. (I have my personal experience to prove it and I am sure you will have that too). Didn't it happen with you that you met someone and you just knew that you could open up that closed file and get some answers. These walk into our life with a small but important task to help us in some crisis or to provide that much needed support and encouragement. The moment their job is done they leave your sight. Think about it. Even you would have given that encouragement to some one at some point and no matter how well you connected with that person you did leave their sight after a while.

3) Long Distance and Less or More Time (DtT): There are people in life who are there everywhere and from time to time they teach you something about yourself. Imagine that day when you saw your colleague picking up a fight with someone else and you understood that you would not and should not do this yourself. There are countless examples of DtT in our lives. They are everywhere and are helping us grow with each passing second. These are the most important people and mostly the neglected ones.

 Apply the formula in each relation and see what can it teach you.

I feel the equation is pretty simple. May be coz I used to love mathematics as a child but if you look closely then you will be able to see the importance of each one of the person around you in your life. Every one is meant to walk a certain path with us with a simple calculation of the distance which is the level of closeness and the time for which they will be with us and this will definitely leave us more enriched and fulfilled in a longer run. As no one is really good or bad in life. They all are just doing their job.

Imagine if that boyfriend would not have ditched us then how on earth we would have understood we have that much strength in us to move on in life. If that teacher would not have flunked us in exam then how we would have learned so much. If we would have had a perfect family then we would not be grounded now. These are important aspects of life and are not that important anyways. We should just let it all go. I feel we must realize now that the only relationship more important than the one we are living with are the relationship we have with ourselves and hence we must not leave any opportunity in life which get us more closer to out potentials. Have you realized that all those difficult tie-ups brought us face to face with our strengths and weaknesses. We realized that we do hold such great and diverse characteristics also. Yes we were hurt and yes we were dejected but that is all ok now. Isn't it? We don't grumble about that now, do we. Instead we might give that a laugh or two.

So, see possibilities of something enriching in a breakup next time. Remember that the journey is supposed to end here with that person and hence the results of equation should be worked upon now.

Things will get much simpler if we start taking everyone around us as a teacher in disguise. After all, all that should matter is that we all have one person who is the closest as a soul and stays with us forever and that person is no one else but "US".

So start loving yourself more. Spend quality time with yourself and fall in love with your company.Be the craziest person you would ever meet. Have fun with your life as the only person who will sit with you on that sunny beach with a book will be you. Don't be too hard on yourself as remember that whenever someone leaves your side then you have a formula handy to figure out what results you are meant to get with that equation.

from floridabeach rehab website from google image search.

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.

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